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👣 I do not buy media (photos, videos, chatting, nor friendships)

I am an artist who is infatuated with every single aspect of the female foot. I love the shapes and curves. I love the textures. I love the hues and tones. And, I love to allow my other senses to partake, as well, at times. Feet are the hardest working pieces of this wonderful machine we call a body. And, they are the most often taken for granted. They need more love and appreciation for all they do.

I have been in this scene for decades. I have personally and intimately worshiped female feet in every way imaginable, and some ways likely i11egal in several states.

I am wise enough to realize the gamble which is taken when purchasing from such sites. I will not give negative feedback just for bad scent. Scent is completely subjective and even random day-to-day for the same individual. I do require some decent basic health habits (witnessed via photos and chatting), and that there are no cats in the house. Toxoplasmosis is very real and very dangerous.

I am a "switch", who spends the majority of my life in a submissive mood, but who can also switch rather suddenly into a more dominant mood. Please, don't let that scare you, if it happens. It usually has nothing to do with you.

I am an artist in any medium. I paint, sculpt, work wood, silver smith, leather, bone, stone.... you name it. I also have a music studio in my home where I produce music.

Please don't even bother trying findom on me. I've been through a divorce. I've been through REAL findom and am not interested. I will tip well if I enjoy you. Fair is fair. Time is never wasted if something was learned. ❤️

Informazioni su AwJa

5 Follower  -  0 Seguiti  -  2 Badge

Genere: Maschio

Età: 50+

Iscritto: 3 mesi fa

Visite al Profilo: 184

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