Ok, im not frequenting this site as much. I have my regulars that I do business with.
If you are looking for a new buyer, it will take a while with me
Please, "hey babe" or copy paste sale pitches will be ignored, and blocked if you continue!
I love the dash banter, you do the s**y, I’ll do the humour.
If you have something I like, I will find you, don’t worry.
Dashboard for sales, DMs for anything “else” (I hope that is enough of a deterrent)
I love this community, you are all beautiful and I’m a grateful to be part of it!
Hobbies included:
Star Wars
Red Dwarf
Computer Games (PC)
bit of a \m/etal head, use to have long hair back in the day
I am a dad to a lovely white and ginger cat call Jeff :-)
Stay s**y