Buyers : What initially BEFORE any interaction makes you drawn to a particular seller?

The figure and /or face ? - 25%
The personality on the dash? - 40%
The item / product they are selling ? - 20%
Something else ? - 15%

Gesamtstimmen: 20

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Where do you access ATW from most often?

If you could have one of these superpowers, which one would you choose?

My first Valentines on ATW 😘 what will you be up to? I’ll be doing 2 & 4 🤪

BUYERS: Are you willing to buy Internationally

Who do you preffer Crossdresser, Transgender or sissy

What should I list more of? 🤔

What content do you want more of?

BUYERS- what would you like to see more of from me?

What do you enjoy seeing sellers post about?

Favourite type of music 🎶

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